One of the best Dungeon Crawler games on steam
+ Awesome gameplay
+ Pretty graphic and music
+ Nice class system with 12 specialisations
+ A lot of difficulty possibilities for everybody (auto-map off or on, active pause, enemy hp/damage slider)
+ Map editor!
+ Good optimalisation: I have 10 years old computer and I can play on highest settings
+ Very good mix of old school Dungeon Crawler with new "skill/hack'n'slash" mechanism
+ Equip system with slots for head, hands, chest, legs, feets, rings, trinket, amulet, back
+ A lot of enemies to kill
+ DPS chart, so you know who in your team is the best badass
To be honest, it was really hard to find something.
- no voice acting
- not everybody will like "tank/damage dealer/healer" mechanism
Download here.
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